Eric Roller's Development Blog

NSUserDefaults does not synchonize?

- Posted in macOS by

The goal is to access the preferences of a second application and to be able to change those preferences. I thus tried:

theDef = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] retain];
[theDef addSuiteNamed:MyHelperAppDomain];

However, when a setting was changed and when I instruct the NSUserDefaults class to synchronize, the changes are not saved in the MyHelperAppDomain. This is because addSuiteNamed: only adds the settings from that domain; it does not change the domain!

How did I find the mistake? Tried this command in the Terminal:

> defaults find DateFormat
Found 1 keys in domain 'se.tredje.myapp': {DateFormat = "%+"; }
Found 1 keys in domain 'MyHelperApp': {DateFormat = "%F"; }

To change the preferences for a different application domain, I have found this alternative:

CFPreferencesSetAppValue( (CFStringRef) DefaultDateFormat,
    (CFStringRef) DefaultDateFormatDefault,
    (CFStringRef) MyHelperAppDomain );
CFPreferencesAppSynchronize( (CFStringRef) MyHelperAppDomain );